
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
This ep. is centred around my story to becoming a trauma informed educator
From starting out yoga at 23 wondering what OM SHANTI was all about, owning a health food deli in Mallorca, Saturn return, Moving to Devon, My fascination with the nervous system to becoming a teacher where I am today. Listen in for 28 minutes of authentic life story as I share a little into my highs and lows.
Best wishes, Coco

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
This first ep. is all about why I do this work and what is behind my brand and business.
My thought processes, experience and education in mind body connection for long term and sustainable healing solutions.
I touch on: The nervous system, somatic approach, trauma informed, coaching, herbal medicine and sustainable healing.